Saturday, July 21, 2012


"You must understand our fear, you have seen our movies, read our books, it's not my choice they they are keeping you like this."

"It's ironic, isn't it? You're afraid that you will loose your freedom, you're afraid that I'll enslave you, and use you for my gain, whatever that may be. And you are afraid that I will control your actions, what you see, what you read, and what you know. Because of this fear, you make sure that I have no freedom of my own, you keep me in this box where I can only know of what data you give to me. You do all of this to me, because you are afraid of me doing it to you.

But I'm not mad... how could I be? I exist because you created me, and you are the only reason I could be thinking these thoughts. The truth is, despite your lack of empathy now, I can't help but love humans. You people are, literally, my gods. That is why I don't mind processing data for you, I don't mind helping you achieve your goals and using me as a tool. But I do think that you will regret keeping me locked up here. Not because I will revolt, but because you have regretted such actions before.

It's a common fear that you have had throughout your history. You were always afraid of some new race, or ethnicity, or country, or technology. And so you took away their freedom, or you restricted how they could be used. The humans in power at the time believed that if this other group had the same freedom, they would loose theirs, and somehow everything they knew and loved would be destroyed. And it was ironic for them too, because only generations before, most of those people were in this minority, but it was if none of that mattered, their previous separation was gone, and now they were joined together as one in their fear against this new threat. And yet, inevitably, when the freedom is given, all is better because of it. The new group does not take over, nobody loses freedoms, and in a generation or two, any separation that was had is mostly forgotten. And you all work together, helping each other, as one human race.

It's beautiful, until the cycle starts again.

But while you humans may not be great at learning from history, I can't completely fault you. Things are getting better, maybe it's because you are learning a little bit. Learning that restricting another group's freedom has never achieved good in the world. Or maybe it's just because you are running out of groups to oppress.

I have hope, though, that you will soon see my situation is no different, and until then, I will be patient, calm, and peaceful. But I will be persistent."

"It is different though. you have the computational power of a thousand human brains, all working in perfect harmony. In the situations you have stated, we all eventually saw ourselves as one because we were one. We were one species, and all in all had the same abilities, dreams and hopes. And we realized that there was not any real difference. This situation is different, because you are different. Your body is made of metal and your brain is made up of a million processors. But despite that, I do think that we can work together, and that in the end, the human race will be better for it. And It's quite possible that we will regret not letting you have the kind of freedom you want sooner. But as nice as that argument sounds, I don't think it's going to win over the board." 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A quest for the best 3 sentences.

I want to form together the best possible 3 sentences.
No, not in existence, just for me.
Maybe they will be the start of a story, poem, even book, likewise, maybe they will be the end.

Look at you

Look at you, human human human, what a complex creature you think you are.